Yesterday, I "dressed up" for work. When I say I dressed up I mean I didn't wear mesh shorts. Our work as no dress code (I have the best boss in the world), so most of the time I'm a bum. I sported my Hello Kitty razorback, kiwi earrings, and green shorts. I don't even know when I bought my shorts, but they still had the tag on them and are now too big for me. Thank goodness they are a tie belt.
My reason for said "dress up" was my boyfriend and I were going to go see The Avengers again, but he hasn't been feeling the best and wanted to stay home. Which turned out ok, because I didn't have an excuse not to make my necklace I have been putting off. So, I got my butt to work. It turned out a lot better than I expected. I made it with oven baked clay. I am hoping to make some more and sell some in my hometowns little Farmers Market or maybe an Etsy account? Would you buy one?

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